2. Data analysis of ReBUILDetroit or CEC data by SPEC Associates or University staff

Complete the ReBUILDetroit Data Request Form (UDM / WSU or external request/ Preview Print Version) and submit it to M&E.
Read this document prior to submission: ReBUILDetroit Data Sharing Definitions and Policies

Are you going to present or publish any of these results externally?
Any researchers working on your proposed project who are outside of the ReBUILDetroit Leadership team must sign the ReBUILDetroit Data and Data Report Use Agreement
These reports are confidential, and security must be maintained. Review the ReBUILDetroit Data Sharing Definitions and Policies. All researchers outside of the ReBUILDetroit Leadership Team must sign the ReBUILDetroit Data and Data Report Use Agreement
To use ReBUILDetroit Data for presentations or publications, you must follow the protocols described in ReBUILDetroit Data Sharing Definitions and Policies