Summer Enrichment Program begins at Wayne State University, June 22, 2015

wsuThe first Summer Enrichment Program began with 17 scholars from across metropolitan Detroit at Wayne State University (WSU) on June 22.

The 17 recent high school graduates are from Detroit, Dearborn, Warren and Ypsilanti all share a common goal, to build a foundation of knowledge so that they can be successful the rest of their life.

Dr. Joseph Dunbar, principle investigator of the ReBUILDetroit program at WSU, encouraged scholars to become familiar with the university, their colleagues and professors. “At some point throughout your academic career, you will need to rely on your colleagues in the program, your professors and services the university offers,” said Dunbar. “We are all here to help and want to see you succeed.”

WSU’s Summer Enrichment Program is not only orienting students. The program also has a laboratory experience. Scholars will spend time in physics and medical labs throughout the 8-week experience. One of the goals of the ReBUILDetroit program is for scholars to experience research within their first year. The summer program reflects this emphasis.

On Fridays, scholars will network with one another and the other ReBUILDetroit scholars from consortium institutions. At WSU, scholars will develop group presentations on their experience that week.

Dunbar said, “We want you to have fun with the summer experience and get to know your colleagues.”

The Summer Enrichment Program at Marygrove College, University of Detroit Mercy and Wayne County Community College begin July 6.